
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A wild baby shower!

My hubby's cousin Amber and I are throwing a baby shower for another cousing, Kelly! I am so thrilled they are expecting! She will be such an awesome mommy :) Kelly is going with the popular precious planet theme for the soon to be little boy. So we've been having fun creating a precious planet inspired baby shower! Which has been tricky since she is in IN and I'm in VA! I have been really enjoying creating these party I thought I would share some.

I keep them pretty simple as my photoshop skill are amature, I'm still learning! Plus they will never be used again so I don't see the point of putting hours and hours into detail. Still I think they came out pretty cute!
Here's the blacked out of course. I pretty much replicated an invite Amber sent me...sry I can't remember the link.
The banner came out so cute! Simple yet adorable! I love it!

I am getting really good at making the backround "papers" and I even drew the clouds and leaves!
And of course a little tag for the favors..

That's all I can show you for now!! Can't wait to show you pictures of the shower! Hope Kelly enjoys it..we're really enjoying putting it together. :)

“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14