
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lunch box gift baskets

Ever need a birthday (or just because) present for a kid that you have no clue what to buy for? Or possibly the kid has everything? I've been there several times, and I came up with the solution of little themed gift baskets when I'm not sure what to get somebody. They are fun for me to create and result in a bunch of little fun items instead of one something I have no idea if they will like.

I made these because I needed presents to bring home for a couple of cute kiddos in Indiana, but being right after Christmas and all 3 bdays around, they just didn't need abother "toy". I pick little items that are usable and fun for all kids. And even if they are too young to use a lunch box, it still doubles as a great container for holding small toys (cars, stickers, candy, crayons, ect.)

Strawberry shortcake lunchbox: strawberry bubbles, stickers, socks, strawberry moarshmellows, strawberry pocky sticks, strawberry shortcake make your own candy necklace kit, and several lipglosses.
Sports box: baseball bubbles, soft football, football washcloth, gummy sports candy, chocolate sports balls (for a 1 year old).Hello Kitty lunch box: Hello Kitty Pez, Hello Kitty band aids, Hello kitty snack sticks, Hello Kitty nail polish, Hellow kitty chapstick, Hello Kitty stickers, and Hello kitty Jelly beans.

To make you own lunch box gift I would suggest starting out at your local party store (Party City is awesome!) You can often find the same theme as the birthday party your attending. After you find the lunch box (or pail ect) they have all kinds of little things you can fill it with. When on the hunt for little items, I often go to the Target Dollar Spot, Dollar Tree, Toys R Us (candy section), Party City, and sometimes Wal-mart. Then add a cute little tag and some tissue paper and ta-da!

These boxes run about 5 each and I spend approx $1.00 on each filler item. Which means a box will run about $10.00-$15.00 each! Once again hope you enjoy and can use this idea in the future!