
Friday, September 2, 2011

Back to School Idea - Teacher Gift

Hey guys! I know it's been awhile but for any of you that actually know our family know that nothing goes as planned. In the past two weeks we had to take an emergency trip home (Indiana), all while Virginia was hit by a earthquake and hurricane in the same week I am suppose to make my very fist wedding cake! But like I said if you know our family that's just how we roll, it's our millerkindofworld. But don't worry despite all the things going on I have been in craft idea OVERLOAD! I have already been dreaming up Christmas present ideas and planning the kids birthdays. I have been working on many projects and I will be sharing them as I finish them.

For today though I wanted to share an awesome back to school idea. My good friend Shar found this idea on How Does She and wanted to try it for her daughters kindergarten teacher. The other night she came over and used my cricut to cut out the letters and the apple and in know time she transformed a bead box into this adorable gift for her teacher! Who wouldn't want to sit this on their desk?! I love the chocolate touch! Shar finished it up with a bow and a sweet little note from their daughter. And as shar points out even the scissor challenged could make this :) You just need a bead box, paper, and glue. She used the cricut to make the letters but you can use sticker letters or paper letters or simply write it on there.

Hope this inspires you!