
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Valentine Printables

I've been going nuts in this hotel room! I am way too much of a busy body to sit here in a room all day with nothing to keep me busy. No crafts, no sewing machine, no baking....what do I do? I was just about to start crocheting (haha just kidding) when I realized I could do lots with my digital crafts, duh! I LOVE making different things in photoshop...I just usually stick to party decor!

 I had so much fun making these Valentines! So much better then store bought and FREE! I still can't use clickable downloads with this slow internet connection, if you would like to use these leave me a comment below with your email and which Valentine(s) you would like! You can also email me at Just print and cut! I reccomend printing on a plain white cardstock paper.

*Any valentines without a spot to sign them will have a second side to print :)

1. Conversation Hearts
2. Robot Friends
3. Cupcakes
4. Valientines
5. Barbie Inspired
(the extra XOXO will be removed I couldn't get it to reload ;) )
6. Monsters
7. Trucks and Airplanes
8. Strawberry
9. Love
10. Bugs
10. Jesus loves you

Hope you guys like them :)