February 14th already...how can that be? It seems like the days and weeks just pass by in the blink of an eye! I should note that I'm not a big fan of Valentines day, in the traditional sense. I fully admit it's a holiday made up by women for women. However it does serve as a reminder for those in love and a painful reminder for those without. I personally would rather recieve roses on a random day in the year to say "I love you" then a dozen on Valentines day when it's the thing to do. But my sweet hubby is a romantic all the time...so maybe that taints my view :)
Maybe it's growing on me though... I can't ever resist the urge to do holiday treats and especially in girly colors! We decided to celebrate as a family this year no date night!...we did dinner at home and I made cookies and a little cake. Each of the girls got a couple little treats. Cadence was excited but was determined I was wrong that it was indeed Halloween...?
I made some sugar cookies and shipped a box off to Indiana at the request of my niece...not my best work on decorating..but Ben said they were the best sugar cookies he had ever had! I was very pleased to hear that because he's my WORST critic...he picks apart everything I make!
Still won't admit it's not Halloween but she's sure enjoying the loot!
Of course Grandma Miller and Aunt Amber had to send them Valentines! This picture does no justice..their boxes are always filled with adorable things. This one included Handmade cards, shirts...and cute red and white candies and tiny animal crackers....so cute! The kids were thrilled.
I had an adorable little cake plan..but with two teething babies it went right out the window!! Instead I settled for a layer of chocolate frosting and some xo sprinkles..maybe next year!
I had orginally planned on giving the cookies I made to Cadence's ballet class....2 hours before class walking through the store I realize I totally forgot about them and they were still frozen at home! I ended up picking up some lip/heart cookies and girly little tins with candy in them for all the littler ballerinas. Being the crazy that I am I couldn't just take something super simple like heart fruit snacks! (thumps head on wall) so here I am driving down the road stuffing treats into bags. Hint's the carseat photo..had to share though...it was a super mom moment for sure!

So not my best attemps but I participated none the less! haha. Next up Easter!!!!! I LOVE Easter!!!