
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween treat wrap up!

Hey there! Can you believe tomorrow is already Halloween? Then we move onto Turkeys..and then CHRISTMAS!?!? Seriously. Crazy. Stuff. Today I'm wrapping up Halloween on Make. Bake. Celebrate by recapping many of the fun and easy Halloween treats I've shared over the past few weeks. So if your still in need of a cute and easy treat for tomorrow, no worries! I waited last minute myself, and ended up making chocolate covered pretzels for the girls dance classes as well as more cupcakes with ghost meringues. Chocolate covered pretzels are a favorite around here. Plus they were a great way to use up the mountain of Halloween supplies I have leftover :)

For the older class I simply covered pretzels in green and purple candy melts and then covered in sprinkles. Once they were dry I placed plastic spider rings over the end and wrapped them up in a pretzel bag. They were so simple and came out so darn cute. The kids really love these little rings.

For the little's class I used up my leftover PEEPS ghosts and placed them on the end of the pretzels "gluing" them on with melted candy melts. This idea came from my pal Christy over at Love From the Oven aka The PEEPS whisperer...who did these with some PEEP bunnies at Easter. Of course the littles loved these. Fast, easy, and adorable. I actually got a "you're the best mom" from one of them. I dunno about you...but when my two year old tells me I'm the best..I pretty much melt and will cave into any of her requests. Even if it's to eat the leftover ones.... :)

Now to recap some easy treats Halloween treats I shared on Make.Bake.Celebrate this year! 

One of my very fav and most popular Swirly Halloween Cookies... 

...then there was Candy Corn Oreo Pops and Slime Filled Cupcakes of course!

Of course Halloween wouldn't be complete without some Graveyard Pudding, watch out for bones!

Or maybe a few Monster Eyeball Cookies are just what you need...

...use up spare candy and leftover treats to make your very own Halloween Kabobs.

Here's another of my favs! Adorable melt in your mouth Candy Corn Meringues. 

If cupcakes are your thing why not shape that buttercream into a candy corn ... or let some meringue ghosts spook your kiddos cupcakes?

 Creepy Cupcakes that stare back are always fun...blink blink, blink blink.

Or take it really easy with some Candy Corn Bark! Just melt, pour, and break!

 Baking for Halloween was such a blast, and I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have!

Everybody have a fun, and safe Halloween!