
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Little Bo Peep and her sheep!

I'm so excited to share this years halloween costumes! I knew I had to take advantage of the one year the twins could walk and wear costumes but not care about what they wore...and you know I'm a sucker for themes. I knew right away the girls would be Bo Peep and her sheep! I gave Granmda Miller an idea of what I wanted, and she worked her magic! I was so excited when I opened the box! I figured they were too cute not to here they are!Cadence was really into it, she kept running all over the field "looking" for her sheep, and herding them, the sheep didn't like it much though ;)I LOVE the bloomers underneath.

... oh where oh where are my sheep?

Got one!

She looks so proud! (the sheep are eating m&m's shhhh..)

Look at these sheep costumes!!! The twins actually loved them. They thought it was so silly and had a blast!

The sheep costumes are really soft and comfy for the girls...and they actually loved the hats.

Don't you just love the bell?

What are your kids going to be?!