
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to -make an easy fleece scarf

How to make an {easy fleece scarf}.

I know I promised some new tutorials a few days ago, but sometimes life just doesn't allow for blogging. Sad I know but it's true! I'm not one of those crazy crafters who will totally ditch the house for days on end so they can create. Although sometimes I wish I was....I just have to have a semi-orderly house, and of course happy kids. This easy to make fleece scarf fits in perfect! It only took me about 30 mins (nap time craft!), it was very simple, cheap, needed, and made the kids happy! Check! Check! Check! Check! and Check!

Supplies: Scissors, yardstick/tape measure, pins, sewing machine, and fleece. If your buying it you'll need about 1/3 of a yard of each color or print your going to use. 2 or 3 layers will do in any print or color combo you would like. Feel free to recycle fleece balnkets or sheets you have laying around the house!

Step 1: Cut out 2 or 3 fleece strips. For a kids scarf I used 30in X 4in. An adult's scarf is normally about 60in X 6in...adjust however you may need. Since I made three scarfs I used a paper to first create a 4X30 pattern, I found it much easier!

Step 2: Lay strips on top of each other and pin every few inches on both sides.

Step 3: With your machine sew a straight like down the center making sure to backstitch at the begining and end. For me friends new to sewing...make sure you use the right bobbin color for the bottom layer. Ex: I used a black bobbin and pink thread.

Step 4: Cut strips about 1/2in wide and 1/4 in away from the center. Do not cut the seam! For adult scarfs you can cut them slightly larger if you'd like.

That's it! You now have a cute scarf to wrap around you or your kiddos in the cold!
Wouldn't these make cute Christmas presents????

Cadence loved hers! And the twins did too...they've been playing with them all day :)

And now for the gloves....