Easter Freebies and Military Specials!
I have ton's of easter freebies and low cost ideas to share! Even a few special perks for military!I've been getting lot's of idea requests for Easter. I had been working on free or low cost easter ideas right when the government was on the verge of a a shut down. Being a military family with military friends all around us this had a huge impact on us, our friends, and Peter Cottontails budget! I sent out a message looking for some ideas and boy was I suprised at all that came in! These are so great for Easter on a budget! Fun party ideas, craft projects, decorations., baseket stuffers and more. Thanks to many sweet ladies that even sent special extras for military. Here they are!
***Click on the highlighted name above picture to download/view the item***
Very first, check out this FREE cute peeps topper by
Eighteen 25.
Great for class treats or basket stuffer.
This FREE printable party is simply adorable! Autumn Leah Designs 
Just incase you missed it here's my how to make these cones and easy egg play dough.
I am totally in love with this FREE banner by Sandy Toes and Popsicles. I will be hanging this up in our house for sure!
This next set is one of my FAVS! This is a special for military. The amazing designer at Paper Glitter is offering this ENTIRE SET to military families! If your a military family and would like to use it please email me at nonibalonie@yahoo.com . For those of you that aren't this ADORABLE set is on sale in her etsy shop. Please take a moment and check out her party stuff/like her on facebook, she is so kind and her work is just adorable. You won't be dissapointed! Blog
Really could this get any cuter???
How about these adorable cups to sit at the table! The how to is here.
Another designerthat totally blows me away! This sweet lady at Bird's craft has more talent then I knew existed. You just have to check out her freebie printables and tutorials. She even runs a party magazine! Her Easter party package is currently half off, now 10 dollars. She has offered our readers and additional 20% off with the code Ezine! She has so many party items and crafts how to's, check out her work but be warned you may be adddicted :) Blog sEtsy Shop

Looking for an adorable table top set? Check out
this FREE one from Print Your Party, she is such a great designer and a total sweet heart. Each month she features free printables! In her etsy shop she has the cutest basket stuffer printables ever (picture below)! The perfect way to add that special touch to the kids' baskets, I love it!..and to make it even better it will be on sale in her shop very soon! Check out her
facebook so you can know when more freebies are posted!

The cutest basket idea ever! You can purchase it

And yet another ADORABLE full party!! This party pack by the talented Leslie Marire can be found in her
Etsy shop..how ever if your military guess what...it's free! Leslie was SO sweet to offer this printable party to military. Email me at
nonibalonie@yahoo.com if you would like this one.
Check out her new
facebook page and pass her along, she's going to have some great stuff coming up!
Here are some adorbale little tags to finish up the project! Or hang for some decor?

Check out
these adorable masks!!! Perfect for parties. They can be printed black and white to color..or pre-colored for ease.

Now that your head is spinning with Easter ideas.....there's more! I will be back later this week with edible Easter ideas!!! AND The sweet designer over at Simply Creative Insanity has created something special just for us Military families!!! She is excited to share it so check back soon!
And don't worry about deciding what the cutest to use...just throw a few more easter parties!