So you know that feeling when your 5 minutes late for class and you slip in the back hoping your teacher who's passing out papers won't notice??? Yep, that about how I feel right now. I know I haven't posted in f-o-r-e-v-e-r. Nobody likes an excuse but I do have reasons. I decided after Easter to begin to take cake orders to improve my hobby. I created a facebook page and BAM it's became a full time gig. I have been so wrapped up in kicking off and keeping up this the blog has taken a back seat. So...extra crafts have been kinda sparse. I do have a few fun things to share though. I have also had LOTS of messages about how to do things cake wise..I'm going to create some how to's and share them on here! start I'm going to share about my cupcake party!
Althought I love making cakes...I REALLY love making cupcakes. They are like little works of art. They can be ate at any location, they are adorable, and the flavor possibilites are endless. So I had to have somebody try out all the flavors I have been mixing up...yes I had to break arms. So I decided to host my very first cupcake party!! I chose 10 different cupcakes and laid them all out with lables, as well as some appetizers and punch, then the ladies brought wine. They party was a great a hit! The RSVP filled far faster then I invisioned.. Everybody seemed to have a great time and I already have requests for another if you didn't make it this time there will be another! (fallish?) Not the best photos but I was really pressed for time! I will soon make a post full of cupcakes up close :)
Me taking a moment to breath!
10 flavors. Strawberry cheesecake, s'mores, oreo, banana spilt, chocolate mint, white chocolate raspberry, strawberry creme, reese cup, and moon pie!
Guest reserves cupcakes to take home...they filled there box from here :)
Nothing fancy here...but yummy finger foods!
Last minute gifts I thre together for the game winners. Next time these will rock...I'm thinking scentsy!!
Some of the ladies enjoying the cupcakes and fellowship!

Can't wait for the next one. This was so much fun!!!