I think just about every little boy of a soldier has an ARMY party at one point or two. It's super cute and special when your daddy serves...what little man (or grown up man) doesn't play ARMY guy every once in awhile? One of our good military friends is throwing her little man a ARMY birthday boot camp and asked me for help with food ideas. We came up with some cool stuff. One of the ideas was to create fake MRE's. Translated into civilian words: packaged food kits that allow soldiers to eat when dining facilities are not avalaible. She could have just used real MRE's but well, EW! Instead I created a little lable and attached them to brown paper sacks, then slid a little lunchable inside. If you would like to use them for your own ARMY party, or maybe just to create a cool lunch for the kids just click to download/print!

Turkey and Ham labels perfect for lunchables.

Survival mix lables incase you want to add other things (beef sticks, crackers, trail mix, ect.)

I used a double sided tape runner to attach them. And then I closed the bottom to give it more or a "packaged" look.
Happy celebrating!