First off, you guys have probably notice some changes around here, a new background, some new pages settings ect. Everytime I sign on and see this boring pink layout ect. It drives me nuts! I need to get the page organized and looking spiffy. I of course can't find anything I like and while I do have some html experience, it's been awhile. So bare with me...soon I'll get it all looking great. Now onto the fun stuff....
This weekend we visited the pumpkin patch! This was the very first trip as a family of five with daddy home. I look forward to doing things like this with the kids SO much. The time invested in our kids at things like this are priceless. These are the things they will remember growing up.
Here's a shot of our family! It's true their all animals.

One of the first projects I made with my machine was these shirts, for a beginner they came out cute!

I made matching bows of course but I forgot to take a picture...rats!

This one's for Grandpa Miller!

One of my fav's! Cadence enjoying the very top of the hay stack...

Check out their crazy hair! The wind was fierce....(I made their shirts too ;) )

It's not everyday they get to run an open field...we're often restricted by fences and close roads etc. I knew they would love roaming around!! And it shows on her face!

Cadence ready to ride the wagon ride!

Yep it i possible to get a photo of me....are you shocked?

And another!! I can't help but wanting to love on this baby girl.

Our good friends came with us too, these pics are awesome of their girlies (shot by Shar)

And another great one of Han!

Getting ready to head out to pick some pumpkins!

B boo ready to pick a pumpkin..and eat a little dirt

She was so excited to be out there!

And here's the three older girls with their orange cotton candy! We had a great day and we were totally beat! Don't you just love the pumpkin patch?!?